NMN & Herbal Remedies

NMN & Herbal Remedies: What Are The differences In Their Effects On Sexual Performance?

"NMN and herbal remedies: what are the differences in their effects on sexual performance?

1. Aspects affecting male sexual performance:

Male sexual performance is influenced by various factors, including but not limited to the following:

Physiological factors:

Hormone levels: Testosterone is the primary sex hormone in males and is crucial for sexual function. Decreased testosterone levels may lead to decreased libido and erectile dysfunction.

Blood flow: Good blood circulation is essential for erectile function. Cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, and other issues may affect the ability of blood to flow to the penis, thereby impacting sexual performance.

Nervous system: Normal nervous system function is crucial for erectile function and libido. Nerve damage, neurological diseases, or surgery may affect sexual performance.

Psychological factors:
Mental health: Anxiety, depression, stress, and other psychological issues may affect libido and sexual function.

Confidence: There is a correlation between confidence and sexual performance; confident males generally perform better.

Lifestyle factors:

Diet: A balanced diet helps maintain physical health, and some foods are believed to benefit sexual function, such as foods rich in zinc, vegetables, and fruits.

Exercise: Moderate physical exercise promotes blood circulation and enhances cardiovascular health, positively impacting sexual performance.

Sleep: Adequate sleep is crucial for maintaining physical health and sexual function.

Quitting smoking and limiting alcohol: Smoking and excessive alcohol consumption may affect sexual function.

Environmental factors:

Relationship quality: The quality of the relationship with a partner also affects sexual performance. Good communication, understanding, and mutual support contribute to an improved quality of sexual life.
Work and life stress: Long-term work and life stress may affect male libido and sexual performance.

2. Aspects affecting female sexual performance:

Female sexual performance is influenced by various factors, including the following:

Physiological factors:

Hormone levels:

Female sex hormones such as estrogen and progesterone play a significant role in libido and sexual function. Changes in hormone levels, such as during the menstrual cycle, pregnancy, or menopause, may affect libido and sexual performance.

Reproductive health:

The health status of female reproductive organs directly affects the comfort and satisfaction of sexual intercourse. For example, vaginal dryness, infections, or pain may affect the quality of sexual intercourse.

Psychological factors:

Mental health:

Anxiety, depression, stress, and other psychological issues may affect libido and sexual function in females.


Confident females generally find it easier to enjoy sexual activities.

Lifestyle factors:


A balanced diet helps maintain physical health, and some foods are believed to benefit sexual function, such as foods rich in certain vitamins and minerals.
Exercise: Moderate exercise helps improve blood circulation and cardiovascular health, positively impacting sexual performance.


Adequate sleep is crucial for maintaining physical health and sexual function in females.

Emotional and relational factors:
Relationship quality: Good communication, understanding, and mutual support with a partner contribute to an improved quality of sexual life for females.
Emotional connection: There is a close relationship between emotional connection and libido; females generally experience sexual pleasure more easily when emotionally connected with their partners.
Reproductive experiences:
Pregnancy, childbirth, and breastfeeding experiences affect both physical and psychological health in females and may influence libido and sexual performance.
In summary, female sexual performance is influenced by various factors, including physiological, psychological, lifestyle, emotional, and relational factors. Therefore, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, ensuring good mental health, and maintaining a good relationship with a partner are crucial for maintaining good sexual function.

Does NMN promote sexual performance and desires in men or women?

NMN (Nicotinamide Mononucleotide) is a widely studied compound believed to play a role in cellular energy metabolism and circadian rhythm regulation. Although some studies suggest that NMN may be beneficial for certain health issues such as anti-aging and improving metabolic function, there is currently insufficient evidence to suggest that NMN directly promotes sexual performance or desires. Sexual performance and desires are influenced by multiple factors, including physiological, psychological, and environmental factors.

Is NMN a product similar to Viagra?

No, NMN (Nicotinamide Mononucleotide) is not a product similar to Viagra (Sildenafil). Viagra is a medication used to treat erectile dysfunction (ED), and its main component is Sildenafil, which helps males achieve and maintain an erection by improving blood flow to the penis.

NMN, on the other hand, is a widely studied coenzyme believed to play a role in cellular energy metabolism and circadian rhythm regulation. Although some studies suggest that NMN may be beneficial for certain health issues such as anti-aging and improving metabolic function, it is not a medication for treating erectile dysfunction, and it does not directly affect sexual performance. NMN is typically used as a nutritional supplement, but its specific effects and safety require more scientific research for validation.

What is the relationship and difference between NMN and herbal remedies?

NMN (Nicotinamide Mononucleotide) and herbal extracts are two different substances with different properties, uses, and mechanisms of action.


NMN is a coenzyme and a precursor of vitamin B3 (niacin and niacinamide). It is believed to play a role in cellular energy metabolism by increasing cellular NAD+ levels, thereby promoting mitochondrial function, cell repair, and enhancing cellular antioxidant capacity. Although NMN is considered beneficial for certain health issues in scientific research, it does not have a direct impact on sexual performance.

Herbal extracts:

Herbal extracts are compounds extracted from herbal plants and may contain various active ingredients such as alkaloids, flavonoids, polyphenols, and phenolic acids. These compounds are believed to possess antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and other biological activities, which help protect cells from oxidative stress and inflammation, thereby benefiting health. Herbal extracts are commonly used in food, dietary supplements, and cosmetics.

Herbal remedies are natural medicines extracted from plants. They contain a variety of active ingredients, including but not limited to alkaloids, flavonoids, polyphenols, phenolic acids, and essential oils. These components endow herbal remedies with various biological activities, making them widely used in the fields of medicine and healthcare. Regarding the enhancement of sexual performance, some herbal remedies are believed to benefit libido, sexual function, and sexual pleasure.

Firstly, let's look at some common herbal remedies and their functions:


Ginseng is considered a powerful herb with multiple health benefits. It is used to enhance physical strength, boost immunity, improve cognitive function, and traditionally, it has been used to increase libido and sexual performance.

Deer antler velvet:

Deer antler velvet is an herbal remedy extracted from deer antlers, used to enhance physical strength, increase stamina, and improve sexual function. It is believed to increase libido and sexual performance and may help with erectile dysfunction.

Horny goat weed:

Horny goat weed, also known as Epimedium, is believed to enhance libido and improve sexual function. Its main active component is icariin, which has some androgen-like effects and may help promote libido and erectile function.

Korean ginseng:

Korean ginseng is a commonly used Chinese herbal medicine, used to improve physical strength, increase energy, boost immunity, and improve sexual function. It contains active ingredients such as ginsenosides, which are believed to help with sexual performance.
The herbal remedies listed above have traditionally been used to enhance sexual performance, but it is important to note that their exact mechanisms of action are not fully understood, and there may be individual differences and potential adverse effects when using them.

In terms of enhancing sexual performance, herbal remedies may work through various pathways:

Enhancing libido: Some herbal remedies are believed to have a direct stimulatory effect on libido, possibly by affecting the nervous system or activating sex hormones to increase libido.
Improving sexual function: Some herbal remedies are believed to improve erectile function, increase sexual intercourse duration, and enhance sexual pleasure. This may be related to the effects of active ingredients in herbal remedies on vasodilation, increased blood flow, or nerve conduction.

Increasing physical strength and stamina: Many herbal remedies are used to enhance physical strength and stamina, which can directly or indirectly impact sexual performance. Increased physical strength and stamina can help improve sexual life quality and performance.
However, although herbal remedies have potential effects on enhancing sexual performance, it is essential to consider the following:

Individual differences: The effects of herbal remedies may vary from person to person because individual physiological status, metabolic characteristics, and other factors affect their response to the drugs.
Dosage and safety: The dosage and usage of herbal remedies need to be carefully controlled, as excessive use may lead to adverse reactions. In addition, some herbal remedies may interact with other drugs or disease states, leading to adverse effects.
Scientific evidence: Although herbal remedies are widely used in folk and traditional medicine, their mechanisms of action and effects require more scientific research and clinical trials for validation.

Therefore, when considering the use of herbal remedies to enhance sexual performance, it is best to consult a doctor or professional healthcare provider for advice to ensure safety and avoid potential adverse effects.

NMN is not a herbal remedy

NMN (Nicotinamide Mononucleotide) is a coenzyme and a precursor of vitamin B3 (niacin and niacinamide), rather than a traditional herbal remedy. NMN primarily acts on cellular energy metabolism, and by increasing cellular NAD+ levels, it helps improve mitochondrial function, promote cell repair, and enhance cellular antioxidant capacity. Although NMN is considered beneficial for overall health in scientific research, it does not have a direct effect on sexual performance.

In contrast, herbal remedies are typically medicinal substances extracted from plants, containing various active ingredients such as alkaloids, flavonoids, polyphenols, and phenolic acids. These ingredients may have multiple biological effects on the human body, including effects on sexual performance. Some herbal remedies have traditionally been used to enhance sexual performance, believed to increase libido, improve erectile function, and enhance sexual pleasure.

Although NMN and herbal remedies may both have potential effects on sexual performance, their mechanisms of action and uses are different. NMN primarily acts on cellular energy metabolism and is beneficial for overall health but does not directly affect sexual performance. Herbal remedies may affect sexual performance through various pathways, but their specific mechanisms of action and effects require further scientific research for validation.

Therefore, although NMN and herbal remedies may both have potential effects on sexual performance, they are not interchangeable.

Example Illustration

Let's imagine a middle-aged man who wishes to enhance his sexual performance. He has heard about NMN and some herbal remedies and wants to understand the differences and effects between them. He decides to try NMN as a supplement first, hoping to improve his overall health and potentially enhance his sexual performance.

He starts taking NMN supplements daily and sticks with it for several months. During this time, he feels an increase in his energy and stamina, and his overall physical condition improves. He notices an improvement in his work efficiency, and his mental state becomes more stable, but there is no significant change in his sexual performance. He feels somewhat disappointed because he initially hoped that NMN might directly enhance his sexual performance.

Then, he decides to try some herbal remedies such as ginseng, deer antler velvet, and horny goat weed, hoping that they might more directly help him improve his sexual performance. He starts gradually trying these herbal remedies under the guidance of a doctor and pays attention to his body's responses.

As time goes on, he finds that some herbal remedies have a certain impact on his sexual performance. For example, he notices that after taking ginseng supplements, his libido seems to increase, and after using deer antler velvet, his physical strength and stamina improve, making him more energetic in sexual activities. Additionally, he finds that horny goat weed seems to help improve his erectile function, making sexual intercourse more enjoyable and smooth.

Through trying NMN and herbal remedies, this middle-aged man realizes the differences and effects between them. While NMN helps improve his overall health, its direct impact on sexual performance is limited. In contrast, herbal remedies may more directly affect sexual performance, but caution is needed regarding dosage and potential adverse effects. He decides to choose the appropriate medication or supplement based on his needs and health condition, under the guidance of a doctor.

AIDEVI NMN, certified by laboratories in the United States and Canada, produced in GMP factories, with SGS non-toxic test reports, and FDA-certified as effective health products, has undergone 5 years of market practice and formula improvement, effectively improving individuals' physical fitness and mental states. It has won multiple international awards, and NMN18000, a classic product under AIDEVI, is a bestseller in more than 30 countries worldwide. NMN21000, under the brand, has undergone multiple formula improvements, increased absorption rate, and perfectly solved the problem of NAD+ deficiency.

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